Share 2 and Critique #1

I took this picture on the way back from the Carol Football game. While I was here I was using the camera I had checked out and my Iphone. And thank goodness I did, because the camera didn't save any of the pictures i took on it. So this is an unedited photo taken from my Iphone near Townsend. For the rules of dominance, the bright draws more attention then dark, as my eyes are drawn to the two rocks down at the bottom. they also are a part of the rule big brings more attention then small, as they are larger then the rest of the rocks in that area.

 This panorama was taken on the solar eclipse trip to Boysen State Park. This is also taken with my Iphone. For the rules of dominance on this one, I'd say that difference draws more attention then conformity, as there are shapes of sediment deposits in the water, the rocks and plants in the foreground, and unfortunately the boat on the right. 


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